About Me

Alex Khuprasert

Star Wars and Middle Earth nerd that runs and plays the violin sometimes

I was born in Bangkok on September 11th 2007, I lived in Australia, Thailand, and America. Australia is where I learnt most of my basic english and I went to middle and high school in America. Now I'm back here in Thailand at ICS

I watched a lot of Star Wars in my adolescent years, and I still do. I read books sometimes, I read books about science a lot and sometimes I read Star Wars comics and novels as well as Middle Earth Novels. I have a mediocre lego collection as well as an expensive lightsaber that I like to do tricks with. I did track while I was in the US and I'd say I was at most decent at it. I also play the violin, I was part of the Sinfonia Orchestra at my old school and currently I'm with the ICS HS Orchestra.

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