About Me!

aoey thampraneet

I an currently a student at ICS. When I grow up, I want to live in a van with a dog named Phobia.

My Roborovski hamster died of diarhhea, I was so sad. So instead of having animal pets, I grew so many types of plants. Mango trees, durian, lychee, watermelon, orange, limes, dragonfruit, etc. But they also died because my grandma thought they were weeds and cut them all down.

I like ballet, and badminton, and basketball. Do you know what they all have in common? They are all sports that starts with the letters BA! And yes, ballet is a sport, and in my opinion, its way harder than basketball or badminton.

My favorite subject currently is biology. Well, my favorite teachers eversince 7th grade were all science teachers, Mr. Stephen, Mr. Chris and Mr. Paul. But that doesnt excuse the fact that I HATE SCHOOL. The only reason I come to school is so that my parents dont go to jail.

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