About Me!

Grant Leelaworaset

Hi! My name is Grant and I am 14 years old. I am currently learning in Applied Technologies B block. Luka Doncic is my glorious king. I like to eat carbonara. My favorite color is purple. I like to play basketball and badminton. My favorite subjects are Math and Spanish. Life and studying has been hard, but at least we have biscoff cookies.

In the early stretch of the 2023-2024 season, Cam Thomas has recently shut and cleared up all the narratives about him being a inefficient scorer. This season, after he was given more opportunity with added playtime, he has shined and surpassed all of his expectations. Eventhough we are currently only about 2 weeks into the regular season, Cam Thomas in currently averaging a 58% true shooting percentage. This efficiency is pretty good for a shooter, especially one who is still young. Criticizers may state that he has been a defensive liability, but he still has a long way to develop his defense as he is only 22 years old. I will be carefully watching Cam Thomas and his rapid development in this year.

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