About Me

maiya holcomb

Hi! My name is Maiya and I am a freshman at ICS. I made this website for Applied Technology. I love books, fĂștbol and dancing with my friends.

When I think about myself, or when people ask me to introduce myself, I usually start with my name. My name is Maiya. Maiya Holcomb, I'm newly 14, I'm newly a 9th grader at a new school in a new country in a new part of the world. I'm American-Filipino and I have two little sisters. I'm getting used to things being new, but I'm not quite there yet. Sometimes I have moments where I'd like nothing more than to go back home, though most times I'm not really sure what home is. I have amazing friends, amazing parents, adorable little sisters, and loving extended family extended to the corners of the world. I have amazing teachers who helped me transition first to 7th grade last year, and now my first year of highschool. It hasn't been smooth, but then again, what in life is? They say moving causes as much trauma as a spouse passing away, and I'd say that's probably true. There are still things I miss, like sunshine that isn't heavy and skies that aren't gray. When I close my eyes I can still feel the California breeze and sounds of trees swaying in the wind.

But. Life goes on. I can't live in blue skies and palm trees. Eight months ago we moved to Thailand and now humid weather and spasms of rain are just a part of life. Two months ago, I wished more than anything that we could move back, to California, to Ecuador, to the Philippines, to some crazy mix of all my homes I percieved as heaven. Now I'm happy we're here. I'm happy to be surrounded by friends who love and understand me, teachers who help me, and parents and family, who through it all cared and carried me.

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