About Me

max morales

My name is Max Morales, but I go by Banana Man. I'm a 15 year-old 9th-grader taking an Applied Tech class at ICS.

I was born on September 22, 2008 in Dallas, Texas. I've lived there for most of my life (from birth to thirteen years), but my family moved to Thailand in November of 2021. My dad's a pastor at ECB. I've always been homeschooled, but starting freshman year, I've attended ICS.

I've had an obsession with bananas ever since I was little, but I can't remember why or how it started. The earliest sign of banana-ness is a comic I made (I don't remember how old I was; somewhere between 6-10) of a chicken and banana. It went like this:

Chicken: "Hi, I'm a chicken"!
Banana: "Well I'm a banana, so there!"
Chicken: "Get out of my comic strip!"
Banana: >pulls out a flamethrower and proceeds to cook the chicken alive<
"Take that, chicken!"
Chicken: "AHHHHH! IT'S HOT!"
>chicken becomes a cooked chicken dinner<
Banana: "Ha ha ha ha ha!"
Moral: Don't mess with bananas if you're a chicken (or if you're anything).

I don't know where it came from (and I was obsessed before that) but that's the earliest evidence I have.

Anyway, that's a little info about me. I hope you enjoy my website!

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