About Me!

Rakang Siriangkanon

I am currently a student at ICS.
This is my first ever interactive website! :D

My name is Rakang and I am a ninth grade student. I am 14 years old and there really is nothing special about me; however, if I had to say something about myself I guess I would say that my grades are pretty decent. I plan to take a bunch of AP classes in the future and I hope my mental health would stay intact as a tackle those hard classes.
Currently I live with my parents, my bird, and my caretaker. The house we live in isn't that big but it doees the job well. The house itself is around 7 years old so it is expected to crumble soon... The other day the ceiling right above my head had a loose screw or something like at and almost fell flat on my face, luckily I noticed it first and got out of the way in time.

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