About Me!

Hi! My name is I-Tim. I go to school at International Community School (ICS) which is located in Bangkok, Thailand. I have been in this school for 13 years, now that I have almost completed 11th grade. I plan to graduate from this school next year and hopefully get into a good university. Though it seems like I have spent my whole life here, I actually have been at another school earlier on. Before coming to ICS, I was at a kindergarten school called Palina Kindergarten.

Outside of school, I have tried my hands in many activities throughout my life. Whether that be piano, ballet, basketball, debate, or singing. I usually find most things fun to try out as I am naturally very energetic. However, I also have times when I get tired, naturally. Since there is such a big difference between the times when I have energy and when I don't, many of my friends find it amusing how I can go from talking their ear off one minute, to completely asleep the other.

Anyways, that's enough about me, you should go check out the other parts of my website too! Off you go now!