About this amazing website:

This website is too good. Made in 2023 it legit does not get better than this. We have at least 52 awards for being amazing, and if you disagree then thats ok. Ur allowed to have opinions even if they are wrong. Also this website was made by Joel Aasebø who is a very good person and not narcissistic at all.
Ur device sucks cuz it could not display this photo of Joel Aasebø (AKA me)
I also happen to be a student at International Community School in Bangkok. Some other random information for any random person is that I think that dolfins are great. I also think that tortoises are great, and I also think that turtles are great, and I also think that Parry Gripp is really good at making music. I also happen to be really terrible at writing about pages, so that is the only flaw you will find in this entire website.

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