About Me

my photo namking

Hi! My name is Namking and I'm a junior at International Community School(ICS). I enjoy activities such as volleyball, taekwondo and swimming. I've been at ICS since first grade and I really love it here! Some of my favorite classes this year include AP Psychology and Conceptual Physics, because I feel like they are so applicable to our lives. AP Psych has been, by far, the most interactive and fun class I've had, I LOVE it!

As random as it seems, a little part of my day that brings me a lot of joy is the simple discipline of walking because it helps me slow down and appreciate life. It's just so peaceful, walking down the street with music in my ears and the wind blowing in my hair. Sometimes, I go home by myself and I find that it's so much more enjoyable to take the BTS and walk home than just taking a Grab all the way home because that also means that I can stop by any store I want and get all the snacks I want since I'm alone.

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